OASIS Correction Tools - Inactivate

You can inactivate an OASIS assessment when one of the key fields needs to be changed on a previously accepted record or when the OASIS assessment should not have been sent and was transmitted in error.


Never copy the inactivated OASIS. Only copy the original OASIS document.

Key Fields: 

  • Patient Identifiers:

    1. M0040 - Patient name.

    2. M0040 - Patient first name.

    3. M0064 - Patient social security number.

    4. Patient date of birth.

    5. M0069 - Patient gender.

  • HHA Identifiers:

    1. HHA AGENCY ID - Unique Agency ID code.

  • Assessment Event Identifiers:

    1. M0100 - Reason for completing assessment.

    2. M0090 - Date assessment information completed.

    3. M0030 - SOC Date. This is a key field on ROC assessments where RFA = 03.

    4. M0032 - ROC date. This is a key field only on ROC assessments where RFA = 03.

    5. M0906 - Discharge, transfer, death date. This is a key field only on transfer to inpatient facility assessments where RFA =06 or 07, death at home assessments where RFA = 08 and discharge assessments where RFA =09 or 10.

  1. Within the client chart, click Case Details and click OASIS.

  2. Click Inactivate next to the OASIS with the incorrect information. The page reloads with a copy of the original OASIS in a reviewed status and XX in the # column of the table, which indicates the OASIS is inactivated. Nothing more needs to be done with the OASIS assessment.

  3. To fix an error on a key field within an OASIS assessment, a copy of the assessment must be created. Find the original OASIS assessment and click Copy. A new OASIS record is generated in an incomplete status.

  4. Click Edit to update the key fields as needed.

  5. Mark the OASIS assessment Reviewed. The OASIS assessment is ready to export to CMS.

  • All OASIS corrections should have supporting OASIS Correction forms in the client chart indicating the changes made.

  • Mark the inactivated OASIS document to 'no' transmittable.

  • The type of OASIS assessment pulls form M0100 within the OASIS assessment:

    • 01 - Start of Care, SOC.

    • 03 - Resumption of Care, ROC.

    • 04 - Recertification.

    • 06 - Transfer without discharge.

    • 07 - Transfer with discharge.

    • 09 - Discharge.