Selecting a Client
You can locate a specific client, if needed, by searching for the patient name or by searching for the patient case record.
When you search, if the search isn’t finding a patient name, make sure spelling or the number sequences are correct.
When you complete a patient case record search, you can view the patient name, date of birth, the number of cases and case types, branch, and start of care date associated with the patient.
From the Home screen, click Clients and do one of the following:
To search using manual entry:
Click the search field of the patient's Last Name or first name.
Begin typing the sequential number in the medical record number Social Security Number (SSN).
Highlight the patient name you want to select and click Accept.
Click Patient Case Record Search.
Enter medical record number, Social Security Number (SSN) or letters in the patient's Last Name.
Click and click patient Case Type.